Secrets to Motivation (Part 1 of 3)

“Rumor has it you got advisor of the year. Congratulations.” This above was a sterile email I received from my boss in 2008.  No greeting. No signature. No encouragement. It was demotivating. I have never understood why my boss didn’t walk the 50 feet from her office to my office and personally congratulate me. My

2 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement

Employees need more. Before you say, “There isn’t money in the budget” “We’re all expected to do more with less right now” “I’m too busy” let me ask you this – what will it get you? At best, you will get unhappy + unproductive = disengaged employees. If you are concerned about employee engagement, you

Why I Care About Psychological Safety (and what is it?)

I had a coworker who rolled his eyes when I talked and would “humph” under his breath. I remember feeling insecure and afraid to speak up. This was almost 20 years ago, and the problem was a lack of psychological safety on our team. I want to prevent this problem on your teams because it

  • Autonomy is one of three employee psychological needs

Key Psychological Needs of Employee Motivation (1 of 3)

“My wife, Mary Jean, owned a soft ice cream store, which operated from April 15 through Labor Day. Both of our children, Kate and Andy, worked there during the summer months. After they had worked there a few weeks, Mary Jean made this comment to each of them: ‘You’ll often be working by yourself. I

3 Things Employees Cannot Live Without

“Rumor has it you got advisor of the year. Congratulations.” This was a sterile email I received from my boss in 2008.  I still wonder why my boss didn’t walk the 50 feet from her office, to my office, to personally congratulate me on this statewide award. Well, I actually know why. I worked in

Your Bad Attitude Makes Bad Communication

Bad attitude? Last week I finished a book titled The Noticer, by Andy Andrews.  It’s a great story about a mysterious man named Jones (“not Mr. Jones, just Jones” as he repeatedly explains to others).  Jones has an uncanny habit of showing up unexpectedly in the lives of people who have never met him.  Upon

Are Your Employees Disengaged?

Good question.  Employee disengagement isn’t always obvious; it can be subtle. Step out of your world for a moment and look at your employees through a lens of objectivity.  What is each employee DOING?  What is each employee SAYING? Employees provide clues to their level of engagement through their behaviors and statements.  As a manager,

7 Reasons Disengaged Employees Cost You $$

How many dollars do companies waste on disengaged employees?  *One employee cost Goldman Sachs an estimated $2 billion+.  Shocking?  How can it not be!  People Metrics offers a more realistic look at the cost of employee disengagement - $2,246 per employee.  Yikes!  Why are disengaged employees so expensive? Productivity falls: Working at full capacity isn’t