Are Your Employees Disengaged?

Good question.  Employee disengagement isn’t always obvious; it can be subtle. Step out of your world for a moment and look at your employees through a lens of objectivity.  What is each employee DOING?  What is each employee SAYING? Employees provide clues to their level of engagement through their behaviors and statements.  As a manager,

7 Reasons Disengaged Employees Cost You $$

How many dollars do companies waste on disengaged employees?  *One employee cost Goldman Sachs an estimated $2 billion+.  Shocking?  How can it not be!  People Metrics offers a more realistic look at the cost of employee disengagement - $2,246 per employee.  Yikes!  Why are disengaged employees so expensive? Productivity falls: Working at full capacity isn’t

Are YOU using the right LEADERSHIP STYLE?

The style in which you lead impacts the people around you, and in turn impacts the success of a department or organization.  One might think that a particular leadership style is best; however, different situations require different styles of leadership.  Psychologist Kurt Lewin is known for his contributions to defining leadership styles.  His work dates