Generosity: 5 Side Effects to Kindness

Don't be a jerk at work - bask in the side effects of kindness. Think about the last time someone extended a little generosity your way. They did something for you out of kindness and concern. Maybe they held a door open for you. Or they took time to listen to your frustration even though

Seriously, get a sense of humor! Or do you have one already?

I’m serious, get a sense of humor for goodness sake! – Good-Humored G Factor About 5 years ago I was invited to speak to a group of over 100 people in job transition and boy was it ever a situation requiring good humor. If you have ever been in “transition,” you know it is a

Can a little “thank you” make a BIG difference?

A little "thank you" for a BIG difference - Gratitude G Factor It seems so simple. Two words. 1-2 seconds to do it. A short little phrase. Can it really make that big of a difference? Yes, expressing a little "thank you" can make a BIG difference. "First, gratitude has been credited as an influencer

5 Reasons Email is NOT the Answer

Some of us can remember life before email.  And others can’t remember, or possibly imagine, life without email. Has our use of email gone too far? Perhaps it has. Are we too dependent on email? Perhaps we are. Recently, I received an email asking me if I was willing to write a letter of recommendation.

The Story and Communication Style of the Driver

DON’T STOP AT THE VIDEO … KEEP READING FOR DRIVER TIPS. Meet Davide. Davide likes results. He infrequently spends time chit-chatting with co-workers, because he thinks it is a waste of valuable time. When Davide arrives at work he gets right to business – don’t get in his way. Others he works with tend to

The Story and Communication Style of the Analytical

DON'T STOP AT THE VIDEO ... KEEP READING FOR TIPS. Meet Marissa. Marissa is a thinker.  She is the type of person who understands the value of good, solid preparation.  For example, Marissa shuts her office door and doesn’t leave work until her to-do list for the next day is complete and ready to go.

The Story and Style of an Amiable

DON'T STOP AT THE VIDEO ... KEEP READING FOR TIPS. Meet Jeff. Jeff is liked by his coworkers and is a really friendly guy. He’s the type of person who stops by his coworker’s cubicles, on his way to the breakroom, just to ask if they’d like a cup of coffee. The team really depends

Don’t be a conversation jerk!

5 Tips to exit a conversation without being a jerk. Okay, so you’re in a conversation and it’s time to exit.  The conversation has lived its life, you have work to get back to, there is someone else you’d like to talk to, etc. Regardless of the situation, how can you exit without coming off

5 Tips to Communicate You Care

Show me you care with your words! Like many people, we went out to eat Easter Sunday. We were surprised and disappointed the menu was different than the one we had seen on line. Normally, we wouldn’t care so much; however, three out of the four of us in our group were on day 7

Your Bad Attitude Makes Bad Communication

Bad attitude? Last week I finished a book titled The Noticer, by Andy Andrews.  It’s a great story about a mysterious man named Jones (“not Mr. Jones, just Jones” as he repeatedly explains to others).  Jones has an uncanny habit of showing up unexpectedly in the lives of people who have never met him.  Upon