It wasn’t perfect. Well … IT WAS REALLY GOOD, but the timing wasn’t perfect.

Before I posted the blog I wrote for today, I couldn’t escape the quiet feeling that I needed to hold off for just one week. Just one little week. You see, deep in my consultant’s soul, I felt the need to  p   a   u   s   e, and instead, write a letter of thanks to YOU: my clients, fans, and network.


Trust me to make you and your teams better.

Honor me with your confidence in my expertise.

Advance your skills to create better workplaces.

Navigate this ever-changing environment with hope.

Know you can reach out and ask for my help.

Fill my cup with your encouragement and compliments.

Uncover reasons to learn and improve.

Look for the best solutions, not any solutions.

Nourish growth and professional development.

Empower yourselves with knowledge and training.

Serve those around you with purpose.

Spark desire in me to continue to serve you.

With gratitude, I thank you for your partnership, your trust, and your business.


  1. Take a moment to reflect: WHO are three people in your professional life you are thankful for and WHY?
  2. Now, let it out! Send an email, text, or handwritten note. Make a phone call. Say it in person.

For more on the benefits of Appreciation:

Little Thank Yous that Make a Big Difference


Acts of Service: The Five Languages of Appreciation

Gifts: The Five Languages of Appreciation

Physical Touch: The Five Languages of Appreciation