It was March. The lockdown in Minnesota began. Each day I felt the sting of another client cancelling a training. My calendar was quickly changing from a beautiful sea of green indicating confirmed client engagements to a stark white grid.

Panic.  Sadness.  Hope.  Confusion.  Peace.  Anger.  Pessimistic.  Optimistic.

My emotions ran the gamut. I expect it was the same for you.

It was May. George Floyd was killed.  Civil unrest ensued. Emotions were raw. A two-decades long friendship in my life imploded.  My father-in-law died the night before neighborhood businesses boarded up.

Outrage.  Grief.  Uncertain.   Dejected.  Sorrowful.  Mournful.  Exhausted.  Empty.

I am not alone on the rollercoaster of 2020, this I know.  To all of you that have also struggled, I extend my caring and my hope that 2021 will bring beautiful things.

It is with this last sentiment that I reflect on 2020 with gratitude.  I KNOW there is something I can do, something in my power, to ensure I don’t repel others in the coming year. It is gratitude.

2020, I appreciate you because:

  • You afforded me time to work on my business instead of always working in it.
  • You gave me endless opportunities to practice empathy and compassion.
  • You let me sport a ponytail and makeup-less face many days.
  • You gave me permission to wear stretchy pants almost every single day.
  • You helped me see the silver lining in difficult situations.
  • You challenged me to do more to be anti-racist.
  • You reminded me that making time for people who also make time for me is healthy.
  • You helped me let a friendship go and manage the sadness that comes along with it.
  • You opened my mind to camping in state parks in lieu of exploring China.
  • You made sure I practiced what I preach: powerful communication and all things G Factor.
  • You produced clarity on who and what I want to be in my business.
  • You protected loyal partnerships and client relationships.
  • You supplied healthy revenue despite a pandemic.
  • You reminded me moments with those you love are precious.
  • You reminded me that I am strong.
  • You blessed me.

Thank you 2020.  I am grateful for you.


Gratitude. Why do you appreciate 2020?

For more on Gratitude G Factor and the research:

Book: G Factor: 8 Secrets to Increasing Your Gravitational Pull at Work


Become a Better Coworker with Gratitude

Tending Your G Factor

A Little Thank You for a BIG Difference