5 Reasons Email is NOT the Answer

Some of us can remember life before email.  And others can’t remember, or possibly imagine, life without email. Has our use of email gone too far? Perhaps it has. Are we too dependent on email? Perhaps we are. Recently, I received an email asking me if I was willing to write a letter of recommendation.

The Story and Communication Style of the Driver

DON’T STOP AT THE VIDEO … KEEP READING FOR DRIVER TIPS. Meet Davide. Davide likes results. He infrequently spends time chit-chatting with co-workers, because he thinks it is a waste of valuable time. When Davide arrives at work he gets right to business – don’t get in his way. Others he works with tend to

The Story and Style of an Amiable

DON'T STOP AT THE VIDEO ... KEEP READING FOR TIPS. Meet Jeff. Jeff is liked by his coworkers and is a really friendly guy. He’s the type of person who stops by his coworker’s cubicles, on his way to the breakroom, just to ask if they’d like a cup of coffee. The team really depends

Communication Style: One size does not fit all.

Let’s say you are shopping for a new shirt for a job interview, a special occasion, or some other reason. You enter the store, look around, walk to the men’s or women’s section and then do what? Grab the first shirt you see and head to the register to pay. After all, why look through

Don’t be a conversation jerk!

5 Tips to exit a conversation without being a jerk. Okay, so you’re in a conversation and it’s time to exit.  The conversation has lived its life, you have work to get back to, there is someone else you’d like to talk to, etc. Regardless of the situation, how can you exit without coming off

How to Deliver Bad News

I have bad news …. No, not really.  But let's talk about how to deliver bad news. https://youtu.be/ULWJ9bcnOgo Have you met a person yet who loves to be the bearer of bad news? If you have, they are an anomaly and dare I say – twisted?  The reality is, like it or not, bad

Expensive $50 Words = Bad Communication

Why use $50 words when $5 words will do? For example, let’s say I have this to communicate: My colleague made himself the cynosure of the meeting when he pontificated about how parsimonious his department was with their budget.  Frankly, listening to him was like listening to a cacophony of screaming children. What?  For real? 

Are you listening to understand or reply?

Listening Skills: understanding or replying?  Which is better? https://youtu.be/im1i6Q31Wtg Many of us were taught the importance of paraphrasing.  You know, put someone’s words into your words and repeat it back to them.  The problem with this technique is that we end up doing what I call PARROTphrasing.  We squawk someone’s words back to them