Generosity: 5 Side Effects to Kindness

Don't be a jerk at work - bask in the side effects of kindness. Think about the last time someone extended a little generosity your way. They did something for you out of kindness and concern. Maybe they held a door open for you. Or they took time to listen to your frustration even though

Can a little “thank you” make a BIG difference?

A little "thank you" for a BIG difference - Gratitude G Factor It seems so simple. Two words. 1-2 seconds to do it. A short little phrase. Can it really make that big of a difference? Yes, expressing a little "thank you" can make a BIG difference. "First, gratitude has been credited as an influencer

How to Deliver Bad News

I have bad news …. No, not really.  But let's talk about how to deliver bad news. Have you met a person yet who loves to be the bearer of bad news? If you have, they are an anomaly and dare I say – twisted?  The reality is, like it or not, bad

Conflict and Approval: Getting Along

Conflict and Approval: who needs it?  The answer to that question is ... a lot of people!  Some people, when feeling threatened, are going to try to get along at almost any cost because they really want to feel your approval.  They are wonderful people who really prefer it when things are peaceful in the

Are Your Employees Disengaged?

Good question.  Employee disengagement isn’t always obvious; it can be subtle. Step out of your world for a moment and look at your employees through a lens of objectivity.  What is each employee DOING?  What is each employee SAYING? Employees provide clues to their level of engagement through their behaviors and statements.  As a manager,

7 Reasons Disengaged Employees Cost You $$

How many dollars do companies waste on disengaged employees?  *One employee cost Goldman Sachs an estimated $2 billion+.  Shocking?  How can it not be!  People Metrics offers a more realistic look at the cost of employee disengagement - $2,246 per employee.  Yikes!  Why are disengaged employees so expensive? Productivity falls: Working at full capacity isn’t

6 Phases of Not-so-Positive Feedback

My last web article presented 4 easy steps to giving positive feedback (if you want to be a superior supervisor).  I hope you have been recognizing the great work of your employees! BUT.  There is a flipside of positive feedback … not-so-positive feedback – a.k.a. constructive criticism or corrective. Part of your role as a

8 Motivation Tips for Your Team: M – O – T – I – V – A – T – E

M            You must motivate yourself before you can motivate others.  It has been said before … walk the talk … lead by example … practice what you preach …. However you say it, motivating your team starts with you.  Take a moment for honest self-reflection.  Are you motivated? O             Understand what motivates your team.