Finding Inspiration with Max Lucado

Closed door. Hushed voice. Gossip. Cornered in an office. Put on the spot. My coworker unloading their annoyances about our coworker. I’m the newest person on the team. Expected to take sides. Slippery slope. Placed between a rock and a hard place. “Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.” ~Max Lucado When I came across

LEARNING FROM GIRAFFES: Be social (Part 2 of 5)

Giraffes are social. And when they socialize, they like to be informal and mix things up. Giraffes move into and out of herds; they don’t stick with one group or develop territories (known as cliques or ingroups and outgroups in the workplace). Think of giraffes as being socially-fluid. What do you do at work? Do you

BECOME A BETTER COWORKER: Define and Communicate Boundaries (Part 4 of 4)

What boundaries are we taught to respect throughout our lives?  A quick brainstorm produced this list: Drive on this side of the dotted line. Obey the speed limit. Stay in your yard. Listen to your parents. Don’t swear at work. Don’t take what isn’t yours. Do what you were hired to do. and right now,

  • outline of person with words inside about kindness


I’ve been looking forward to this week’s G Factor for several weeks – GENEROSITY: show kindness and concern. Crises, like a  pandemic, often bring out the best in people.  I’ve read many articles, blogs, posts, etc. about kindness toward neighbors, coworkers, and family. One particular story grabbed my attention over a month ago and I

Can I Lead if I’m Not a Leader?

How can I lead and inspire with Generate G Factor? First, you don’t have to have a leadership title to lead.  You don’t have to be the boss, owner, supervisor, team lead, etc.  Ponder this for a moment.  We all lead unintentionally all the time.  Yes, that means people are watching and listening to you. 

Can a little “thank you” make a BIG difference?

A little "thank you" for a BIG difference - Gratitude G Factor It seems so simple. Two words. 1-2 seconds to do it. A short little phrase. Can it really make that big of a difference? Yes, expressing a little "thank you" can make a BIG difference. "First, gratitude has been credited as an influencer

Are you a bad conversationalist?

Bad conversationalist or good conversationalist? Over and over again on Saturday night my honey Rick and I found ourselves in situations feeling awkward and struggling to connect with other people. This is not usually the case for me! I love people and getting to know them. However, talking with people Saturday night was like driving

Conflict and Perfection: Get it right

Conflict and Perfection: what's it all about?  It's certainly not about the hokey pokey! Welcome back to our final week on conflict using this book …. We end the series with the person whose intent is to get it right because they need perfection.  For these people it is easy to be thrown off when